Language of the Listening Body

On the Language of the Listening Body for Movement Research's Critical Correspondence

"The listening body is legibly more aware, more open, and more receptive than the non-listening body. The listening body moves… differently: less myopic in its seeing, less linear in its trajectory through space, softer in tonus. A listening body is engaged in finding its constantly changing relationship to the environment. The listening body constantly locates itself in space and time. Moving in silence as a group with no apparent ‘task’ felt powerfully subversive and was visually arresting...The language of the listening body has as much to do with placement of the body in space as with  physical vocabulary. The listening body listens not only with the ears, but listens for a relationship to the environment, and places itself accordingly in space."
--Hope Mohr (excerpt from The Language of the Listening Body, Women & Performance: A Journal of Feminist Theory, 2006)
