notes on a cancelled dance

text by Hope Mohr; video by Belinda He, Jane Selna, and Karla Quintero

a thing is not seen because it is visible, but conversely, visible because it is seen 



we stopped

three weeks

before opening


the days bleed

a now

without excursion


our sleeping


with one another


light slices

the musky shaft

of a downed flower


spotlight pinpoint


partial spacecraft


kitchen proscenium


distant ceremony


curtain flinch


what were we doing in rehearsal
before we knew about the show


From September to March, I was co-creating a performance called Ode (to forgotten bodies) with dancers Belinda He, Jane Selna, Nataya Shoaf, and Karla Quintero in collaboration with sculptor Danae Mattes and costume designer Dana Kawano. We cancelled the performances of Ode due to the coronavirus. I asked the dancers to make videos of themselves doing the material so we would have some sort of archive of the dance. Below are some of those videos. I find them so poignant.


Above: Dancer Karla Quintero.

Above: dancer Natalya Shoaf

Above: Dancer Jane Selna.

Above: Dancer Belinda He.
